Vapour barriers with flexible vapor-tightness.
JUTAVAP VARIABLE is manufactured in four modifications: 80 g/m2, 100 g/m2, 140 g/m2 and 140 g/m2 with inner reinforcement. It is comprised of functional polyamide film combined with a protective, non-woven layer and alternatively with an inner reinforcing grid.
JUTAVAP VARIABLE is a “smart“, air-tight vapor control layer with flexible vapor-tightness for installation on the interior side of thermal insulation in general, for application on roofs, ceilings or walls.
JUTAVAP VARIABLE is designed to adjust its vapor-tightness accordingly to changeable interior climatic conditions, such as temperature and relative humidity. When the risk of condensation increases, consequently JUTAVAP VARIABLE increases its vapour-tightness to reduce the ingress of gaseous moisture into the thermal insulation. This helps to optimise the interior moisture balance within an year-long cycle.
JUTAVAP VARIABLE is thereof especially suitable for timber frame housings or the reconstruction of wooden constructions in general. The reinforced version has got substantially improved strength and tear resistence. JUTAVAP VARIABLE is naturally air-tight. When it is combined with a highly breathable roofing underlay, it secures the functionality of thermal insulations under year-round conditions.
JUTAVAP VARIABLE is available with single or double integrated tapes upon request.
JUTAVAP VARIABLE can be tailored to your requirements in regards to print, palletisation and insert sheets.
JUTAVAP VARIABLE is naturally mould and rot resistant.
JUTAVAP VARIABLE fully conforms to EN 13984, type A.