JUTA MONO EASY 0 suitable for both supported and unsupported use, and also with sarking boards. It can be laid directly over thermal insulation with no requirement for ventilation space, meaning that the full height of the rafters can be used for insulation.
JUTA MONO EASY 0 is a durable membrane combining excellent water-resistance with high vapour permeability, making it particularly versatile and suited to a wide range of applications. It benefits also from improved resistance against wood treatment chemicals, widely used for wood impregnation.
JUTA MONO EASY 0 is available with single or double integrated tape upon request.
JUTA MONO EASY 0 can be tailored to your requirements in regards to colour, design and palletisation.
JUTA MONO EASY 0 is naturally mould and rot resistant.
JUTA MONO EASY 0 fully conforms to EN 13859-1.